Nic's Exchange to Uppsala University | Sweden

My study abroad in Sweden has been the best part of my university experience so far. The new friends, the travel, and the fresh outlook provided by a new campus has given me a fresh new perspective on my own studies and what might be possible from my degree. Uppsala University, Sweden is 30 minutes north of the capital, Stockholm. The university life here is ridiculously fun, the campus and surrounds are absolutely stunning and acts as a doorstep to meeting people from all over Europe and the US.  

On weekends, along with fellow international students I travelled to the North Pole, the Fjords of Norway, Russia, Finland and the Baltics (Think really cheap Vodka and really strange dancing!). Stockholm is only a half hour away on the train but you would have been forgiven for never leaving Uppsala, such was the amount of activities, parties and friends to be found there.

At the start of the semester, all students have a choice of which student nations you could joinWhat are Student Nations? Think of them as student clubs, some over 500 years old, who’s purpose is to create and foster an awesome student experience. Some were more focused on weekly parties, others culture and performing arts. Regardless of which you prefer, you were certain to find a niche and new set of friends to distract from the cold outside. 

Most students and locals for that matter commute everywhere on bikes, and there is a bustling used bike market, especially around change of semesters when new international and domestic students replace those who leave for other pastures. Your new bike is the ticket to getting around from raucous house party’s in Flögsta (be sure to find the Flögsta scream on YouTube), to international student club nights in Snerikes nation and even out to a secret cabin in the woods. The highlight of the Student Nations membership are the countless gasques (A Swedish traditional ball) were an occasion for everyone to get dressed up and mix in with the locals.

Besides all the extracurricular activities, and although I must admit it was an afterthought before I came to Sweden – the quality of teaching at Uppsala University was phenomenal. Though I can only speak to those in the law faculty, I was really looking forward to classes with Professors from Harvard and Europe’s leading commercial arbitrators (read: incredibly smart people). There was a sense that even though we were international students they may never see again, these teachers were passionate about us taking away an appreciation for how the law works in Europe.  

Lastly, but probably most importantly before heading to the north – do your research on your prospective housing! Where you live will determine how much you pay, how far you will to ride in below freezing temperatures to find fun and the quality of your house which will host friends you make from around the world. There will be loads of information about which building suits your tastes and be sure to spend enough time here to make the right call – 6 months is a long time to be slumming it when you wanted a palace and vice versa. Regardless of where you end up though – the key to study abroad in Sweden is to make the most of the short time you have. Say Yes as often as you can, get out of your comfort zone and open to the possibilities. Tack sÃ¥ mycket  

- Nic studied abroad at Uppsala University in Sweden 

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