Hamburg University of Applied Sciences | Germany

Everything you need to know about studying abroad on Exchange at 

the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany!


    Area's of Study Available
    Semester Dates
    • Semester 1 (Summer)-  early March - mid July
    • Semester 2 (Winter)-  mid September - early February 
    Visa Information
    photo from

    Medical Insurance

    • Students are insured through Murdoch University free of charge

    Accommodation Options
    • Universities in Germany do not have their own halls of residences. They are run by the organisation »Studierendenwerk Hamburg«. The HAW Hamburg gets a limited number of rooms in halls of residences, that we can make available to guest students from our partner universities. 
    • The monthly rent costs between 277 and 350 Euro and includes bedding, bed clothes, kitchen utensils and internet connection. You have your own room and share kitchen and bathroom with a small number of students. Housing does not include a meal plan, but cheap meals are available in the cafeterias on campus (1.85 - 4.95 Euro/meal).
    • Priority is given to students from overseas and the rooms are awarded on a first come, first serve basis, so it is important to apply early. 
    • For more information about accommodation please visit-

    photo from

    Estimated Expenses
    • Semester Contribution (The semester contribution is NOT a tuition fee. It must be paid by all students and includes contributions to the Students' Union and the Students' Welfare Fund. Most importantly for this money you get a semester ticket which allows you unlimited travel on Hamburg's public transport system for the whole semester) -  289
    • Rent-  300 -  350 per month
    • Living costs-  €350 - €500 per month
    • Residence permit (non-eu students only)- up to 110
    • For more information please visit-

    Average Living Expenses in Hamburg
    Sourced from
    Correct as of the 26th of November 2018


    For updated events please visit-

    Interested in studying abroad at the Hamburg University of Applied SciencesHere some some additional resources!

    Exchange at Hamburg University of Applied Science


    Murdoch University Study Abroad & Exchange - Outbound

    PHONE: +61 8 93607836
    VISIT: Murdoch University, Student Centre, 90 South Street, Murdoch, WA, 6150

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