Liam's Exchange to University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire | USA

It was after spending a year in the resident housing at Murdoch University and meeting students from countries all over the world that really planted the idea of undertaking an exchange semester in my head. Here were people who were willing to leave the comfort of their own countries and all the securities that entailed, and aspiring to wholeheartedly embrace another culture and its people

Having a quite serious case of ‘Wanderlust’ myself, these individuals and their fantastic stories got me truly inspired to begin the process of organising a semester abroad. I was so excited to explore anywhere that was different from where I had been before that I almost arbitrarily began looking into universities all over the world. I eventually came to the decision of going to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in Northern America, and after the semester I have just had there, I am ecstatic that I did.  

The initial orientation for international students was reflective of the whole exchange process I had experienced thus far: well organised, clear, and effectively shaped to the needs of the students. This first week enabled us to form some really amazing relationships with our international peers which would last the entire semester and give us an ideal platform to start exploring the American culture and to meet domestic students. 

It really is difficult to put the experience I had during this semester into words and to effectively convey just how incredible it was. I have met Americans and international students alike that I can say with confidence will remain an important part of my life, long into the future. I already have trips planned to Holland, England and different parts of America to see certain people who became so important to me during the five months I was there.

The lack of work responsibilities which I was used to having to balance with studying at Murdoch freed up time to explore local and regional places, and to enjoy time with my new American and international friends. It also allowed me to participate in things I am passionate about, in a foreign setting. I played for three university intramural soccer teams which is basically the university league competition for students, and participated in several local running events.  

I fell in love with the small-town, scenic and yet archetypal ‘American’ nature of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. The campus is beautiful, and I found this to be true whether it was basking in summer sunshine, in autumn where the changing colours of leaves was an incredible spectacle, or my favourite – when it was blanketed in more snow than I had ever before seen. The beauty of the place was also reflected in its people and their hospitality. Only a short time into the semester, I was presented with numerous invitations to spend Thanksgiving with people’s respective families. These kind of American traditions and differences between countries were the reason I was there, and that the Americans I befriended were so eager to share their lives and listen to my own experiences was amazing. I can truly say I am a changed person after this study abroad experience.  

- Liam studied abroad at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Clare in the USA

Murdoch University Study Abroad & Exchange - Outbound
PHONE: +61 8 93607836
VISIT: Murdoch University, Student Centre, 90 South Street, Murdoch, WA, 6150

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