Mary's Exchange to Danish School of Media and Journalism | Denmark

I had only ever travelled to Bali before, so realistically I hadn’t actually been outside of Australia… But I chose to study over in Europe in the small Scandinavian country of Denmark.  

The main reason I chose to go to Denmark was the amazing Journalism school there, DMJX (Danish School of Media and Journalism). I stayed in Aarhus, the student city of Denmark. The school put me in situations that made me act and behave as a real journalist. I handed in weekly, sometimes even daily, articles. I obtained a press card and travelled to Brussels where I interviewed politicians and people affiliated with the European Union… I even attended a press conference!

During my time abroad I made some of my closest friends who I still keep in touch with today. I met people from all over the world and consistently catch up with them.

Some of my favourite experiences include: going to music festivals down in the city, travelling for class trips to nearby cities or different countries, working at the University bar and travelling by myself to Eastern Ukraine to report on the war. 

One of my most fond memories is of a music festival just after we had finished all of our assignments so most of the exchange class attended, we drank cheap booze, listened to some interesting music and danced all night with our friends.

During my time in Brussels my friend and I met up with some others at their Airbnb, we drank and played party games. When it was time to leave it took us over half an hour to walk home in the pouring rain… the next day we figured out it should have only taken us 5 minutes. We never understood how it took us so long to get home that night.

While I was in Eastern Ukraine with my fixer, we stayed in Avdiivka, a town on the border of the frontline. We stayed in an abandoned in apartment that had no running water and no windows. The second night we were there we drank red wine as we listened to the shelling. We walked to the local deli and got speaking to the owners who told us about their involvement in the war and what it meant for them. I bought everyone wine and we spent a couple of hours chatting and listening to the stories.

The. Best. Experience. Ever.
I would 100% recommend studying abroad to anyone and everyone. I would not change it for the world. 

My advice would be to SAVE your money before you go. Don’t go out, don’t buy new clothes, don’t go on shopping sprees. Save every cent because the more money you have the more options you have while away. Keep in contact with friends and family at all times, they want to know how you are and make sure you are safe. Talk to everyone you see, everyone has an interesting story and 9 times out of 10 they will be willing to share it with you. Use your time to travel, as soon as you are away from Australia everywhere is so close together, most places are just an hour plane or train trip away make the trip.

My advice would be to SAVE your money before you go. Don’t go out, don’t buy new clothes, don’t go on shopping sprees. Save every cent because the more money you have the more options you have while away. Keep in contact with friends and family at all times, they want to know how you are and make sure you are safe. Talk to everyone you see, everyone has an interesting story and 9 times out of 10 they will be willing to share it with you. Use your time to travel, as soon as you are away from Australia everywhere is so close together, most places are just an hour plane or train trip away make the trip. 

- Mary studied abroad at the Danish School of Media & Journalism in Aarhus, Denmark 

Murdoch University Study Abroad & Exchange - Outbound

PHONE: +61 8 93607836
VISIT: Murdoch University, Student Centre, 90 South Street, Murdoch, WA, 6150

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